Systems and Versions

With the growth and development of the drone industry, the effects of unwanted drones are now seen in a range of industries. Aaronia provides a variety of models (from a mobile app to a military grade system) to provide protection for any scenario or budget.


The AARTOS™ X2 is a low-cost and mobile drone detection system with a long range of up to 5 km, capable of decoding drone logs and pinpointing their location. It is quickly deployable and has the ability to record and replay data. An indispensable tool for protecting against drone threats, e.g. at crowds or events.


The AARTOS™ X7 offers accurate signal direction finding and can be easily upgraded with additional components. Real-time triangulation of all targets can be achieved by interconnecting multiple X7 systems. Three independent receivers will improve the frequency coverage even further. The IsoLOG® FOX antenna offers a frequency coverage of 700MHz to 6Ghz.


The AARTOS™ X9 operates with the same precision as the X7, but additionally offers seamless ultra-wideband monitoring with 4+ independent receivers and an optimized amplifier group. The X9 traverses the entire frequency range more than 1000! times per second. With an enormous range of up to 14 km (or much more by scaling multiple AARTOS™ X9 systems), the AARTOS™ X9 is perfect for the monitoring of large areas. The system has already proven itself at international airports such as Heathrow and Muscat.

Technical Specifications

A portable all-in-one drone detection solution, that is ready for use very quickly.
The X7 combines a high precision with a very high detection range and 3 internal receivers.
Highest precision and range meets ultra-wideband monitoring, with unlimited number of receivers.




Typ. range (Consumer UAV) Max. 5 km
Typ. range (Consumer UAV) 2 km – 5 km
Typ. range (Consumer UAV) Standard:
Max 14 km
Long Range:
Max. 40 km
Typ. range (Military UAV)
Typ. range (Military UAV)
Typ. range (Military UAV) Max. 80 km
Usage Mobile & stationary
Usage Mobile & stationary
Usage Mobile & stationary
Frequency coverage 2.4 GHz + 5.8 GHz
Frequency coverage 700 MHz to 6 GHz
Frequency coverage 400 MHz to 6 GHz
(opt. 10 MHz to 8 GHz)
Detection type Drone protocol decoding
Detection type Drone protocol decoding & RF signal detection
Detection type Drone protocol decoding & RF signal detection
Sectors Omnidirectional
Sectors 8
Sectors 16
Typ. tracking accuracy * GPS accuracy
Typ. tracking accuracy * 5° to 6°
Typ. tracking accuracy * 1° to 3°
Multi frequency swarm attack No
Multi frequency swarm attack Limited
Multi frequency swarm attack Yes
ITU class for tracking accuracy
ITU class for tracking accuracy A
ITU class for tracking accuracy A
Amplifier stages 2
Amplifier stages 3
Amplifier stages 3
Simultaneous band coverage Hopping
Simultaneous band coverage Hopping
Simultaneous band coverage Stitching / Hopping
Sweep / Scan speed
Sweep / Scan speed 3 THz/s
Sweep / Scan speed up to 6 THz/s
Real-time 3D triangulation (in preparation) No
Real-time 3D triangulation (in preparation) No
Real-time 3D triangulation (in preparation) Yes
Receivers 1
Receivers 3
Receivers 4 (up to 8 optionally)
Scalable No (Yes with stationary versions)
Scalable Yes
Scalable Yes
Recommended grid distance
Recommended grid distance 2km
Recommended grid distance 3km
Single- or multi-site solution Single
Single- or multi-site solution Single | Multi
Single- or multi-site solution Single | Multi
Antenna version 2 Rod Antennas
Antenna version IsoLOG FOX DF-80
Antenna version IsoLOG 3D DF-160
Formfactor versions Portable Laptop in a Case
Outdoor Box
Formfactor versions V6 Command Center, Remote Rack
Formfactor versions V6 Command Center, Remote Rack




Container No
Container Yes
Container Yes
Shelter No
Shelter Yes
Shelter Yes
Antenna trailer mast No
Antenna trailer mast Yes
Antenna trailer mast Yes
Vehicle Integration No
Vehicle Integration Yes
Vehicle Integration Yes




Camera No (Yes with stationary versions)
Camera Yes
Camera Yes
Jammer Manual
Jammer Manual or Automatic
Jammer Manual or Automatic
Radar No
Radar Yes
Radar Yes
Wide Range Speaker Yes
Wide Range Speaker Yes
Wide Range Speaker Yes

* Reference target at 2,4GHz (hovering drone), 1,5km distance (FCC)

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